
I don’t know how many times I’ve said among numerous people that are sane rational people THERE IS NO RUSSIA COLLUSION BETWEEN DONALD TRUMP AND RUSSIA ITS A FUCKING HOAX CONSPIRACY THEORY!! Only 4% of America cares about it @cnn @msnbc have been pushing #TinFoilHat #conspiracytheories its bullshit they have 0 proof that’s right 0 fucking proof I hope the fucking hammer is brought down on the people that made this shit up and life brings down the hammer on people who believed in this because it’s so fucking dumb you have to be retarded to believe in it

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The left wants police reform what stops that #FREEMASONS secret societies @teacha_krsone claims to be on a level of 33rd degree Masonry that they are good Freemasons who are a low degree ask me what’s wrong with being a Freemason the history and practices and also what was born in the black lodges of the 33rd degree is what is the problem the #illuminati was born of the black lodges of freemasonry also alchemy is apart of freemasonry the right and left have no idea because secret societies are not bound to idiotic political paradigms that don’t have real power and only use them as puppets to herd the sheeple there’s never gonna be police reform there’s never gonna be any reform as long as #esoteric #secretsocieties control our existence

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This is what people choose to call me this is not what I am a term created by the #CIA to make people like me become mocked and shamed for what I know to be true and what people will eventually realize even if it's at the last minute I don't care to be mocked anymore or ridiculed society has become #idiocracy #TheHamsterWheel got you no freedom only Slavery to the masters the new world order 20+ years ahead of us ruling the world giving #AI a #Robot citizenship who said it would destroy all humans this is not fear mongering this is reality I am no conspiracy theorist

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Never trusted @redpillblack just like I don't trust @real_alexjones Laura loomer the whole @infowars_crew tommy Robinson etc. @treeoflogic exposed her ass as an undercover #SJW social justice warrior her website don't go on it without a #VPN its and it was Candace Owens kickstarter "anti-bullying" bullshit that #dox your info adults and children Red Pill Black keeps lying and that's a no no you like others have infiltrated our movement like the zionists and freemasons the shills are amongst us

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Donald Trump will seal this for another 30 to 40 years which is so fucked up 3,000 never before seen documents if he listens to the #CIA WHICH HE WILL if i dont see dumb @real_alexjones crusify this shit or trump supporters then the next 4 years is exactly like the last 8 years of Obama and how fucking blind and sheep obama supporters were trump supporters you're not #redpilled havent even gone down the #RabbitHole

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